Boundaries and Friendship

Last week I was invited into William’s grade 6 classroom to run a Literary Salon and do an hour’s worth of slides on personal responsibility and healthy choices. I loved the energy of the kids as they fearlessly jumped in to engage with meaningful conversation and to ask questions and interact with the material in my presentation.

Two things stood out to me during the It’s On You presentation: the need for more discussion on the topic of boundaries and friendship.


Kids struggled with the idea of setting boundaries and feeling confident enough to communicate them. I heard variations of “But that might make someone mad or sad.” My answer to this? “You can’t MAKE anyone feel anything. You can communicate what you need, and then allow other people to own their own feelings about that.”

This took awhile to work through. I’ve had strong boundaries for the last eight years, so confusion around this skill tends to surprise me, but obviously it’s not a clear-cut issue. Time is required for kids to adjust to this idea, particularly those who are used to being “other-focused” when it comes to what they feel they can and cannot say to people.

I’m careful to reiterate that owning responsibility for ourselves means being kind when we speak, but holding clear boundaries means we are not responsible for how the other person feels when we express our desires and thoughts.


When I asked how many kids thought they owed friendship to someone who wanted to be friends with them, half of the students raised their hand. I disagree with this statement. Friendship is always a gift, and each of us gets to choose whom we give it to.

Creating a safe and supportive group to spend time with is our responsibility, so choosing kind, generous and funny friends is an important skill to have. I told the class, “If you feel drained when you spend time with someone, you don’t have to be friends with them.”

This seemed to blow a few of them away and they had several questions about this concept of “friendship as a gift”.  I was happy to answer these questions with anecdotes from my own life and share some of the ups and downs of friendship that my kids have experienced (without naming names).

Strong yet flexible boundaries and the right to choose your friends are key ingredients in owning responsibility for your life. It was helpful to give a refresher on these topics to 11 and 12 year olds. If I could’ve learned these things at that age instead of in my late 30s, my whole life could’ve been different.